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Development Milestones

The first three years of a child’s life are the basis of their formative years - this is when most children gain their basic skills. A child needs the right combination of muscular strength, coordination and sound development to accomplish each developmental milestone. A delay can happen at any time and can happen in one or several areas (E.g., gross or fine motor, speech and language and social interactions). If you feel your child is not reaching any of the aforementioned milestones, an early intervention program may help your child dramatically...

Therapy Center in the Maldives

We have developed a checklist you can use to observe your child and monitor their development.

It is important to note that these points listed below are a set of general guidelines and do not form a definitive guide to all children. Some children develop early, some later and not all children will show all of the behaviors.

If by one month old, your child:

o Feeds very slowly

o Doesn't seem to focus their eyes or watch things moving nearby

o Doesn't react to bright lights

o Seems especially stiff or floppy

o Doesn't respond to loud sounds

If by three months old your child:

o Can't support their head well

o Can't grasp objects

o Can't focus on moving objects

o Doesn't smile

o Doesn't react to loud sounds

o Ignores new faces

o Seems upset by unfamiliar people or surroundings

If by Four to Seven Months Old you child:

o Seems very stiff or floppy

o Can't hold their head steady

o Can't sit on their own

o Doesn't respond to noises or smiles

o Doesn't reach for objects

If by Eight to twelve months old your child:

o Doesn't crawl

o Seems to drag one side while they’re crawling for a month or more

o Can't stand with support

o Doesn't try to find objects you've hidden in front of them

o Doesn't say any words

o Doesn't use gestures, such as shaking their head "no" and pointing

If by Fifteen to Eighteen Months your child:

o Is unable to sit up unsupported for meals

o is unable to walk

o Is not increasing his vocabulary

o Doesn’t imitate others

o Doesn’t notice or mind when a caregiver leaves or returns

o Loses skills they once had

If by Two to Two and a half Years of age your child:

o Does not speak in 2–3-word sentences

o Is not answering and asking simple questions

o Does not respond appropriately to instructions

o Is not understood by familiar people

If by Three to four years of age your child;

o Is not speaking clearly and fluently

o Is only using a selection of sounds in their speech

o Does not use pretend play e.g., going to the doctor's

o Is unable to relate the day's activities when prompted

o Cannot answer 'what', 'where', 'when' and 'who' questions

If by Four to Five Years of Age your child:

o Is not able to describe short stories or how to do something e.g., how to make a sandwich

o Is not able to follow 3 step instructions accurately e.g., “go to your room, pick up your shirt and bring it to the laundry room”